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The Youth of Camouflage Military Training Exercises Exhibition - Quanzhou Haisi Business School Held the Summary Conference of Military Training Exercises in the Autumn of 2022
In order to temper the students will, strengthen the class cohesion, enable students to receive national defense education, and enhance their national defense awareness, Quanzhou Haisi Business School organized 2022 students to carry out a nine day military training activity. On the afternoon of September 27, a summary meeting of military training exercises was held on the school playground. The meeting was presided over by Xie Wenbin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch and Vice President. Xie Jincai, Secretary of the Party Branch and President, Liu Pinggen, Executive Vice President, Wang Zhijie, Chairman of the Trade Union and Vice President, Ye Liming, School Councilor, Liu Qingjun and Chen Shiyu, Assistant President, as well as heads of all departments and all faculty members attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the drill, the instructor led by the team reported the preparations for the drill to Xie Jincai, Secretary of the Party Branch and President. Secretary Xie announced the beginning of the drill, which opened the curtain of this activity.

In the parade, the students of Grade 22 wore military uniforms, walked in sonorous footsteps, and had loud slogans. They celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the motherland in a unique way and presented to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The digital array jointly displayed by hundreds of students lit up the whole scene. The students orderly and powerful actions blossomed their youthful style, and their sonorous and powerful vows resounded in the sky; The arresting square array presented a wonderful fight performance for teachers and students in a "fast, accurate and ruthless" way. The tall and straight posture, the serious military posture and the transformation brought by the military training have lost their green and astringent, but have more perseverance; The sign language exercise of the song "Loyalty to the country" shows the students respect for the martyrs, and the national self-confidence of "the country is strong, we should be strong". It reflects the young generation of students who inherit the martyrs will to defend the motherland, carry forward the craftsmanship spirit of striving for the prosperity of the motherland, and serve the country with full pride.

Digital matrix

Seizure Array

Sign Language Manipulation Array

Then, each company performed in turn, and the judges scored on the spot. On the playground, each company orderly displayed a series of basic military training actions, such as standing at attention, taking a break, saluting, finishing the ceremony, stopping and turning. The line is neat, the action is flowing, the performance is magnificent, and the voice is loud. Standing one by one, one move, one punch, one palm show the style of Haisi business students.

After the drill, the Executive Vice President Liu Pinggen made a summary report on military training to all teachers and students. He expressed heartfelt thanks and high respect to all the teachers and class teachers who worked hard, and extended warm greetings and warm congratulations to the students who insisted on military training and successfully completed it. He pointed out that military training is not only to sharpen the will, exercise the ability and develop good habits, but also to let each student cultivate a strong sense of national defense and clarify the significance of national defense education. Only when the contents of the general training are internalized in the heart can it be truly powerful, and can it not lose its direction on the way to pursue dreams; At the same time, we encourage students to keep the good thoughts and styles formed in military training, and bring them to future study and life. We should set high standards and strict requirements, and regulate our words and deeds. Cherish the good time of youth, work hard and forge ahead, exercise yourself, shape yourself and develop yourself in learning and life.

Wang Zhijie, the chairman and vice president of the trade union, announced the list of military training pacesetters and excellent classes. The school leaders issued honorary certificates to the award-winning students and class representatives respectively.

Finally, Wang Zhijie, the chairman and vice president of the trade union, put forward requirements for school leave, epidemic prevention and control, safety and other related matters during national holidays.

Although the nine day military training of 2022 has ended, the two-day military training of 2021 has already started. The students are full of confidence, take firm and powerful steps to meet new challenges, new learning and life, and write a beautiful song of youth in Haisi Business School.

Picture capture/video production

Military Training Publicity Coordination Group
Class 21 CNC class Wu Qibin
Class 21 CNC class Zheng Kaiqiang

Technical support

Teacher Chen Zhang
