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National Day Holiday Safety and Epidemic Prevention and Control Proposal in 2022
Dear teachers, students, and respected parents and friends:

On this golden autumn day, lets welcome the National Day and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We sincerely wish you and your family a happy holiday, good health and happy family!

In view of the severe and complex epidemic situation at home and abroad, the risk of rebound of domestic epidemic situation still exists, and the upcoming National Day, increased travel and gathering activities, increasing the risk of disease transmission. In order to let everyone have a happy, peaceful, healthy and safe holiday and reduce the risk of epidemic transmission, the school proposes the following initiatives:

1、 Epidemic prevention and control safety

1. Dont go out unless necessary. Adhere to the requirement that teachers and students should not leave Quanzhou City unnecessarily and never go to areas with medium and high risks and newly confirmed cases.

2. Try to celebrate the festival on the spot. It is recommended that all our teachers, students, staff and parents celebrate the festival in the city. We advocate using WeChat, telephone and other ways to visit, reduce visiting relatives and friends, and avoid crowd gathering. Gathering and gathering are not advocated, especially large-scale gathering and gathering.

3. Proactively report in advance. Teachers and students who really need to leave the city under emergency and special circumstances must report to the school in advance (students report to the head teacher, and teachers report to the principal). During the journey, do a good job of personal protection, keep track of activities, and report truthfully. Those who leave the province and return to Spring can only return to school with a nucleic acid negative certificate within 48 hours.

4. Do a good job of health monitoring. All teachers and students shall conduct daily health monitoring, daily temperature monitoring on time, and keep monitoring records of physical conditions during the holidays. If you have fever, fatigue, rash, etc. during the holidays, please truthfully report to the school at the first time.

5. Strengthen personal protection. Adhere to good personal hygiene habits such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, one meter noodles, regular ventilation, less gathering, and using public chopsticks. When entering and leaving public places and densely populated areas, actively cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, body temperature measurement, health code inspection, etc. Try not to go to or less go to places with dense crowds and poor ventilation, and consciously do not pile up or gather.

2、 Home safety

1. Dont open the door to strangers when the child is alone at home.

2. Dont trust the information on the Internet and go out to meet strangers. Dont indulge in the network and games.

3. It is strictly prohibited to throw objects at high altitude, which may endanger public safety.

4. Pay attention to food hygiene, do not drink raw water, do not eat rotten food, do not eat food that is not cooked thoroughly, do not eat unfamiliar food, and prevent disease from entering by mouth and food poisoning.

5. When children go out on holidays, parents should know where they are going, what they are going to do, when they are going to return, and who they are with, so as to ensure safety education and security.

3、 Traffic safety

1. Plan in advance, make staggered trips, and pay attention to the weather conditions, epidemic situation and prevention and control information of the destination.

2. Consciously abide by the traffic laws and regulations, form a good habit of civilized travel, cross the road and take the zebra crossing, observe the road conditions more, do not run the red light, and do not cross the barrier.

3. Do not play on roads, around parked vehicles or in blind areas.

4. Do not watch mobile phones or listen to music when walking or cycling. Do not ride in the motorway or compete with motor vehicles.

5. Do not take "black cars", such as privately soliciting customers or having no operation qualification, or take illegal three or four wheeled vehicles. Do not ride vehicles that are speeding, overloaded or drunk. Fasten your seat belt when taking a private car.

4、 Safety against drowning

Please educate your children to avoid going out in thunderstorms, stay away from the water and pay attention to the safety of drowning.

5、 Food hygiene and safety

1. Pay attention to food hygiene, do not drink raw water, do not eat rotten food, do not eat food that is not cooked thoroughly, do not eat unfamiliar food, and prevent disease from entering by mouth and food poisoning.

2. During the holiday, you should have reasonable and regular meals, taste appropriate festival food, and do not overeat.

3. When dining out, choose a hotel or restaurant with formal and sanitary conditions.

4. Develop good hygiene habits to prevent norovirus, gastroenteritis and other epidemic diseases.

6、 Fire safety

1. Pay attention to fire safety, pay attention to the safety of electricity and gas at home, and be familiar with the use of household appliances to prevent electric shock and gas poisoning.

2. When going out, pay attention to getting familiar with the location of the evacuation exit and escape route. In case of fire, escape orderly, do not take the elevator, do not covet property, and master the correct escape method.

3. When visiting the scenic spot, observe the fire prevention regulations of the scenic spot, do not carry kindling into the mountain forest, and do not light kindling in the wild.

4. In case of fire, call the police or report to adults in time, remember all kinds of alarm and emergency calls, and ask for help in case of emergency.

In addition, pay attention to network entertainment security. Educate children not to go to Internet cafes, bars and dance entertainment venues, guide children not to indulge in the Internet and video games, be cautious about making Internet friends, not meet unfamiliar Internet friends, and prevent telecom network fraud.

Strengthen mental health education. Guide children to communicate with their parents, family members and friends, guide children to communicate with honest, cheerful, positive and optimistic friends, not be discouraged when encountering setbacks, and cultivate childrens ability to overcome difficulties and setbacks.

Finally, I hope that in the coming holiday, parents can urge their children to reasonably arrange their study, reading, entertainment, exercise and rest time. I wish my children a happy and meaningful holiday in peace and health. I wish everyone a happy National Day and a happy family!

Quanzhou Haisi business vocational and technical school

September 26, 2022
