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Its the beginning of the year again. Are you ready

Notice on the Beginning of Spring Semester in 2021-2022 Academic Year

Dear students:

  After the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, do you begin to miss your school, teachers, classmates, and small desks... School will begin soon. Do you still remember the instructions and blessings of the head teacher before the holiday?

01 Opening time and requirements

1. Time for students to return to school and register for class: All students will register on February 20 (the 20th day of the first lunar month). Please purchase tickets in advance to arrange their itinerary.

2. At 8:00 a.m. on February 21, a school opening ceremony was held in the school playground to clean up and distribute teaching materials; Formal classes in the afternoon.

3. Some students pursue individuality during the winter vacation, and should return to the student image when school starts. Organize the appearance according to the uniform requirements of the school, and do not dye, perm or wear strange hair styles.

4. Before returning to school, check whether the school uniforms and military quilts taken home at the end of the term have been sorted and packed. After the school starts, wear uniform and dormitory housekeeping.

5. It is prohibited to bring controlled knives and other prohibited articles to school.

6. Students who voluntarily receive the second dose of hepatitis B vaccine at 2021 level need to carry their ID cards and vaccination cards.

7. After arriving at the school, report to the head teacher in the comprehensive building.

02 Do a good job of health management before returning to school

1. Do a good job in their own health management, and insist on nailing health reports every day.

2. In the past 14 days, those who have lived in high and medium risk areas, their family members who have lived together have lived abroad, those who have lived in high and medium risk areas in China, those who have imported cold chain food, and those who have recently had suspected symptoms such as fever and cough, should take the initiative to report, and can return to school only with the consent of the school.

3. Overseas students entering (returning to) Fujian shall strictly implement the "14+7" health management measures, and can return to school only with the consent of the school.

4. Students who have lived in high and medium risk areas in China in the past 14 days, and who are in the county (city, district) where the high school risk area is located, are suspended from returning to school until the high school risk level is removed in the relevant area, and can return to school with the consent of the school.

5. Students returning to Fujian from outside the province should continue to do a good job in personal health protection and 14 day self health monitoring, and can only return to school with the consent of the school.

6. When students return to school, they must hold a 48 hour nucleic acid negative certificate (electronic or paper), health code, and travel code before entering the campus. It is recommended to make an appointment for nucleic acid test No. 18.

7. Students who have not paid the fees shall pay the fees through the payment platform in time, so as not to affect the normal class.

03 Take self-protection measures when returning to school

1. If possible, students should take private cars to return to school; When taking public transport, strengthen personal protection, keep wearing masks, wash hands frequently, minimize close communication with others, and avoid gathering; Avoid staying in densely populated and poorly ventilated places to reduce risks on the way.

2. When entering the school, we should cooperate in temperature detection, and provide health code, travel code, nucleic acid detection report and other checks.

04 After returning to school, take measures to prevent infectious diseases and epidemic situation in spring

1. After the school starts, the school continues to implement the systems of morning and afternoon (evening) examination, tracking and registration of absenteeism due to illness, reporting of infectious diseases, health management, ventilation and disinfection.

2. Continue to advocate wearing masks, and develop hygiene habits and lifestyles such as frequent hand washing, "one meter line", public chopsticks, serving of individual dishes, and covering when coughing and sneezing. Eating on different peaks, keeping distance and reducing conversation. Carry out school activities in a scientific and orderly manner, actively participate in physical exercise, strengthen the prevention and control of myopia, properly exercise scientifically, balance nutritious meals, and reasonably arrange rest. Pay attention to physical and mental health, and actively seek psychological health consultation when encountering problems.

3. Do a good job of personal hygiene, take care of public health, do a good job of cleaning, disinfection, ventilation, strengthen the classified management of garbage, and make daily production and cleaning.

4. Self health monitoring shall be strengthened. In case of fever and other symptoms, report immediately, protect well and seek medical advice in time. Students who feel unwell should report to the head teacher as soon as possible. The school arranges to send them to the designated hospital for medical treatment. The head teacher will call the parents to arrive at the school or the hospital for docking. After the illness is cured, they can apply for returning to school only after providing relevant health certificates.

5. Improve safety responsibility awareness, strengthen safety self-management, and do a good job in safety self-protection.

New semester, new journey, new leap!

I wish you all success in the new semester,

Healthy life, happy growth!

Quanzhou Haisi business vocational and technical school

February 17, 2022
