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Keep up with Shaohua and forge ahead - Quanzhou Haisi Business School held the first class and opening ceremony of the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year

Farewell to the noise of the Spring Festival, and the new semester comes as promised; Say goodbye to the continuous rain and welcome the bright spring. On the morning of February 25, 2022, Quanzhou Haisi Business School held the first class and opening ceremony of the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. According to the requirements of the superior for epidemic prevention and control, the activity was held by air connection, and all teachers and students listened to the broadcast in their respective classes.

First of all, Liu Pinggen, Executive Vice President, gave a lecture on the theme "Skills make wonderful life" and put forward requirements for the new semester. He pointed out that, as a student of a technical school, it is three years of seeking truth, learning to be a man and practicing skills; It is also three years to fully combine knowledge and skills. Students should establish their own career planning, that is, to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and professional outlook, and consciously abide by social ethics and the code of conduct of the technical school. Love the collective, care about the students, think more about others, and make achievements in building a harmonious class, a harmonious school, and a harmonious society. We should love our majors, study hard, study hard, master skills, innovate constantly, think and solve problems with new knowledge and skills, and train ourselves into skilled talents with "excellent skills, hard work style and high efficiency" to serve our motherland. At the same time, I put forward ardent hopes for the students: to actively participate in the work and study of the new semester with full enthusiasm, enterprising attitude and pragmatic style; We should continue to carry forward the spirit of hard study, study hard and make progress every day!

Later, Vice President Wang Zhijie and the chairman of the trade union emphasized the students code of conduct, appearance, safety discipline, epidemic prevention and control, etc. I hope that students will base themselves on a new starting point, embark on a new journey and harvest new achievements in the new semester.

The weather and personnel are urging each other day by day, and the winter solstice brings sunshine and spring again. The new semester has begun, new tasks are waiting for us to complete, new goals are waiting for us to achieve, lets take perseverance and courage, live up to our youth, forge ahead, and use our diligence and wisdom to write a new chapter in life!
