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Good news! Our school will make another success in the entrance examination for higher vocational education in 2020

Good news

Our school will make another success in the entrance examination for higher vocational education in 2020

More than 260 students of 2017s WKU participated in the entrance examination for higher vocational education. More than 240 students were admitted by colleges and universities, with an admission rate of 92%. Among them, 80% were admitted by Putian University, Quanzhou Economic and Trade College, Quanzhou Liming University, Zhangzhou Health Vocational College, Quanzhou Medical College, Ningde Vocational and Technical College, Fuzhou Liming Vocational and Technical College and other public institutions; The enrollment rate of students majoring in computer application and maintenance, accounting, numerical control processing and other majors reached 100%. Wang Xin, a nursing major, Cai Qiaolin, a pharmaceutical preparation major and many other students were enrolled by Putian University.

In recent years, the school has attached great importance to the entrance examination of students of all majors, strictly focused on the education and teaching reform, improved the teaching quality, and actively built a platform for students to upgrade in higher vocational colleges. In recent three years, the enrollment rate of our students in the entrance examination for higher vocational education has reached more than 90%. Every year, more than one student has been admitted by Putian University and other undergraduate institutions.
