Hello, welcome to Quanzhou Haisi business vocational and technical school


A letter from Quanzhou Haisi Business School to all teaching staff and students parents on epidemic prevention and control

The current international epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complex

Domestic epidemic situation has many points, wide coverage and frequent occurrence

Recently, there have also been sporadic cases in Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou

Remind everyone again:

Do a good job of personal protection!

A letter to all teaching staff and students parents

Teachers, staff and students parents:
How do you do!

In view of the severe and complex epidemic situation in some areas of our city at present, in order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, reduce the risk of transmission of the epidemic situation, and ensure the life safety and health of all teachers, students and staff, our school started on March 14 according to the deployment of the superior epidemic prevention and control work, the latest notification requirements of the leading group for the prevention and control of pneumonia infected with novel coronavirus in Quanzhous education system, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, Change to online teaching. We need your full support and cooperation in order to ensure that we will not stop teaching and learning during the epidemic, and ensure that epidemic prevention and learning are correct.

1、 Online teaching arrangement:

1. Online teaching time:
It starts on March 14, and the end time will be notified by the superior.
Course schedule:
Six classes a day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon.
8:00-11:40 a.m
14:30-4:10 p.m

2. Online classroom discipline requirements: students enter the class nail group at 7:50 a.m. and 14:20 p.m. every day to make preparations before class, and do not arrive late or leave early. The teacher, the Academic Affairs Office and the Student Work Office check on the attendance of students in each class. In class, students should listen carefully, take notes, be diligent in thinking, and interact actively. Students are not allowed to play with mobile phones, sleep on their faces, doze off, walk around at will, eat snacks, discuss content irrelevant to the course, or read books irrelevant to the class. After class, upload the homework in time according to the requirements of the subject teachers, and take the initiative to exchange feedback with the subject teachers.

3. Parents are requested to perform their duties of supervising their children, urge them to attend classes and complete their homework on time, cultivate their children to develop good habits of work and rest, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and maintain an hour of exercise every day. Parents are requested to strengthen the management of electronic equipment for students. Mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment should be used during online teaching hours, and mobile phones should not be used excessively in other times. They should insist on doing eye exercises to improve the blood circulation and regulation of the eyes, without affecting normal rest and study.

4. Now the students of the school should consciously abide by the school discipline and prevention and control requirements, consciously cooperate with the school to do a good job in various prevention and control work, and actively participate in online learning.

2、 Requirements for epidemic prevention and control

1. We should attach great importance to the epidemic situation ideologically and scientifically. All teachers, students and parents are requested to tighten the strings of epidemic prevention and control, fully implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control issued by the disease control department, timely understand the real-time dynamics of the epidemic from official channels, master the correct knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, understand the epidemic with a scientific and rational attitude, and do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not slack off, and do not panic.

2. Consciously cooperate with epidemic prevention and control. All teachers and students should actively cooperate with the local epidemic prevention department in information registration and troubleshooting, do a good job in travel track monitoring, nucleic acid detection, health monitoring and other related work, timely submit daily health monitoring, and provide health code, travel code, communication big data and other information as required, without false report or concealment.

3. Dont travel unless necessary. Consciously control the scope of activities, always wear masks when traveling, and strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations. Continue to pay attention to the epidemic situation in the medium and high risk areas officially announced, and do not go to the medium and high risk areas. If it is really necessary to go out due to special circumstances, it is necessary to strictly perform the reporting work, take the initiative to implement nucleic acid detection, isolation monitoring and other prevention and control measures, and truthfully provide epidemic prevention travel records.

4. Active vaccination. Vaccination is an effective measure to prevent COVID-19, which can reduce the infection rate, severity rate and mortality rate. Teachers, students and parents are requested to mobilize relatives who meet the requirements of vaccination to complete vaccination while completing individual vaccination.

5. Do a good job of personal health and safety protection. Wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, maintain personal hygiene and environmental hygiene, try to avoid crowded places and confined spaces, and minimize unnecessary social activities. If you need to go out, please strictly abide by the "one meter line", and adopt the "serving of individual dishes system" and use spoon and chopsticks.

6. Do a good job of daily health monitoring. If parents and students have fever, cough, diarrhea and fatigue, they should go to the nearest fever clinic for troubleshooting and treatment, and report to the school. When seeking medical treatment, disposable medical masks and masks above shall be worn throughout the whole process to avoid taking public transport.

7. Be cautious about online shopping. Many positive cases of nucleic acid testing of online shopping products have been reported in many places in China, indicating that there is a risk of "material to human" infection. Here, parents and friends are encouraged to be cautious about online shopping and not to purchase goods online from medium and high-risk areas. Disinfection of outer package and civil air defense protection shall be done well when picking up and disassembling express packages.

8. Reasonably arrange work and rest and adjust mentality. During home study, parents should guide children to work and rest reasonably and on time, ensure adequate sleep, and insist on necessary physical exercise every day to strengthen their physique.

3、 Establish safety awareness
1. Cherish life and stay away from drowning. At present, drowning is still a high incidence season. Parents must attach great importance to it and strengthen supervision. Pay attention to comply with the requirements of "Six Not a Moment" (do not swim in the water without permission; do not swim in the water without the guidance of adults; do not swim with classmates without permission; do not swim in the water area without safety guarantee; do not play in the river (river) pond on the way to school; Teenagers who are not familiar with water are not allowed to enter the water for rescue without authorization; Learn basic self-care and self-help methods) to prevent drowning accidents.

2. Pay attention to safety, fraud prevention and theft prevention when going out; To protect personal information security, do not buy, sell or rent bank cards, phone cards, Alipay, and WeChat to strangers to prevent them from participating in fraud.

3. Enhance the awareness of fire safety, strengthen the education of safe use of electricity and gas, consciously abide by the regulations and safe operation procedures for safe use of electricity and gas, and prevent fire, liquefied gas poisoning and other accidents.

4. To enhance the food safety awareness, students are required not to drink too much, drink too much, eat too much, or eat inferior or deteriorated food, so as to prevent diseases or food poisoning accidents.

5. Strengthen the education of emergency, self rescue and rescue knowledge in general safety accidents, and eliminate the occurrence of safety accidents.

6. Let the students do some housework within their power, strengthen the concept of work, and develop the good habit of thrift and love work. Educate students to respect the old and love the young, help others, be civilized and polite, and be a good student with excellent character and learning.

Here, Quanzhou Haisi Business School appeals to all teachers and students parents to take a correct view of the severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, fulfill their respective responsibilities, prevent and control scientifically, work together to create a healthy, safe and orderly learning environment, and protect the healthy growth of children!

Quanzhou Haisi business vocational and technical school
March 14, 2022
