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Cloud based peer promotion, growth, online teaching and quality assurance -- Quanzhou Haisi Business School actively carried out online teaching activities during the epidemic
On March 13, when the COVID-19 broke out in Quanzhou, the school held an emergency expanded meeting of the epidemic prevention and control leading group in time to analyze and judge the current situation of school epidemic prevention and control, redeploy and promote the school epidemic prevention and control work, and launch the emergency plan. In order to do a good job in teaching organization and management during the epidemic prevention and control period and ensure that offline classroom to online teaching activities are carried out comprehensively and orderly, the Office of Academic Affairs, under the unified leadership of the epidemic prevention and control leading group, attaches great importance to and actively responds to the situation. From the perspective of maintaining the safety of teachers and students, it immediately launched the online teaching emergency plan developed at the beginning of the semester according to the requirements of epidemic normalization management. On the afternoon of the 13th, an online training was organized, and all teachers were organized to learn teaching skills such as live nailing, the use of online teaching resources, as well as online teaching precautions and details. The teaching activities began to be carried out online on the 14th.

After launching online teaching, the Office of Academic Affairs requires all teachers to integrate the spirit of anti epidemic, responsibility and dedication into the teaching process, and integrate ideological and political education into classroom teaching, so as to achieve the same goal of ideological and political education and professional education. Under the premise of ensuring various teaching forms, flexible teaching methods and good teaching quality, the teachers of the whole school seamlessly connected teaching to ensure the orderly teaching.

—— Online teaching of teachers in each group ——

In order to ensure that students will not fall behind during online teaching, the school council of the university attaches great importance to the operation of online teaching, and has held special meetings for many times, requiring all departments to do a good job in epidemic prevention and epidemic resistance, while still focusing on teaching, and doing a good job in teaching and learning services for teachers and students. On the first day of online teaching, the Academic Affairs Office has arranged the educational administration personnel to do a good job of online class inspection every day. The leader in charge has randomly checked the online teaching situation and irregularly arranged the educational administration personnel to listen to the lessons online; In order to ensure the online learning effect of students at school and solve the problem of inconvenient classes in the dormitory, the Student Work Office, the Security Department and student volunteers help students move desks and chairs to the dormitory; In order to solve the problem that some students mobile phone traffic is insufficient, which leads to network jams in the course of class, the school pays for students to buy traffic to ensure that students online learning network is smooth.

—— Students online learning ——

—— Communication and interaction between teachers and students ——

In order to ensure the orderly operation of online teaching and ensure the teaching quality, the school leaders irregularly carry out online teaching supervision and fully affirm the online teaching work. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the online teaching work was fully prepared, the teaching was in good order, and the online teaching operation was generally good, ensuring the online teaching quality.

As the situation of epidemic prevention and control in this region continues to improve, we will stick to the principle of "epidemic", overcome the difficulties together, and actively make scientific arrangements for online to offline teaching, so as to ensure the smooth realization of the teaching objectives of this semester.
