

Concern about health and warmth -- Quanzhou Haisi Business School held an online mental health lecture during the epidemic
At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Quanzhou is severe and complex, which has a certain impact on our study and life. In addition to scientific self-protection, students should also pay attention to mental health and avoid negative emotions such as irritability, fear, anxiety, tension and depression. In order to reduce the impact of negative emotions on students and parents, help teachers and students alleviate anxiety, psychological pressure and bad emotions caused by the epidemic, and enhance their psychological adjustment ability, Quanzhou Haisi Business School held an online mental health lecture on the afternoon of March 23, 2022. The activity was hosted by the Student Work Office and the Youth League Committee, and Li Xiuzhen, a school mental health teacher, gave a lecture.

Teacher Li made psychological adjustment from the following aspects:

01 Change of thinking and scientific epidemic prevention
We should be highly aware of the importance of the current epidemic prevention and control, objectively evaluate the changes in the epidemic situation, avoid exaggerating the danger to cause panic, and more importantly, comprehensively and objectively assess whether we have enough ability to cope with the current situation. During the epidemic, it is normal for people to feel nervous, anxious and afraid, rather than being timid and not firm enough. Therefore, we do not have to blame ourselves or blame others. We should correctly evaluate our own advantages, resources and support, enhance our coping ability and maintain a positive attitude. Learn about epidemic prevention information, relevant scientific knowledge and epidemic prevention and control measures through official channels, and actively cooperate with epidemic prevention and control.

02 Self regulation, waiting for flowers to bloom
The pressure brought by the epidemic situation makes us more likely to fall into the fluctuation of thinking. Therefore, we should learn to self detect and self talk, learn to capture our negative thoughts, critically look at the problem, and then self correct. At the same time, when facing negative thoughts or ideas, we should actively give positive meaning to negative events, maintain a positive, rational and peaceful attitude, and enhance the strength and confidence to overcome difficulties. When we have bad emotions, we should learn to regulate emotions through some self relaxing ways, so as to quickly release negative emotions, achieve internal balance and self healing. You can take deep breath relaxation, body muscle relaxation, imagination relaxation and so on.

03 Communicate and build harmony
During the epidemic, parents and friends should master the methods of parent-child communication, encourage and care more, and maintain a warm and harmonious parent-child relationship; Students can share their feelings with their families more every day and exchange the harvest of the day. They can also use online communication platforms such as telephone and WeChat to communicate with students, keep in touch with relatives and friends, and find mutual support in communication and exchange.

04 Smooth channels and multiple communications

School teachers use WeChat groups, nail groups, etc. to strengthen communication with students and parents, so as to realize students psychological and other needs and demands at home and achieve the goal of common education.

The school has set up a mental health communication platform, which continues to provide psychological counseling services to students and parents during the epidemic home period, and carefully communicates with students and parents to provide psychological help and guidance to help students grow together.

The epidemic is not terrible. Lets work together to overcome the difficulties, make psychological adjustment, be optimistic and positive, and move forward warmly. It is believed that Quanzhou can quickly overcome the epidemic, and we will soon get together in the beautiful campus.
