

Quanzhou Haisi Business School -- the second letter to teachers, students and parents

Since March, the sudden epidemic in Quanzhou has touched every heart and has a real bearing on the personal safety of every teacher, student and parent in the school. The virus transmission of this confirmed case is strong and the risk of infection is high, which has greatly affected everyones normal study, work and life.

The virus is terrible but controllable. From the effective practice and successful experience of epidemic prevention and control in China, home health management has always been the best way to block the virus transmission chain and overcome the epidemic as soon as possible. Therefore, we have every reason to believe that under the correct leadership of the superior party and government and with the full cooperation of all teachers, students and parents (including co residents), this epidemic prevention and control war will surely win completely at an early date! In order to make every effort to prevent and control the COVID-19, effectively reduce the risk of virus transmission, and effectively ensure the life safety and health of you and your family, we propose:

1、 Strictly abide by epidemic prevention and control regulations

In order to quickly and effectively block the spread risk of the epidemic and effectively ensure the life safety and health of the residents, the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions on epidemic prevention and control, will, from March 15, 2022, delimit closed control areas, control areas and prevention areas in Licheng District, Fengze District, Luojiang District, Quanzhou Development Zone and other central urban areas, and implement the corresponding control measures. All teachers, students and parents (including common residents) shall strictly protect themselves against the epidemic, consciously and strictly abide by the regulations on epidemic prevention and control, and shall not go out or participate in various gatherings, dinners and gathering activities unless necessary according to the deployment of the local government.

2、 Actively participate in nucleic acid sampling
In order to effectively protect the life safety and health of the people and minimize the risk, large-scale nucleic acid testing is being carried out in an orderly manner. Teachers, students and parents should fully understand the seriousness of the situation, actively cooperate with the local epidemic prevention department, timely participate in nucleic acid testing and sampling, and ensure that "no one should be missed". For those who refuse to cooperate without proper reasons, hinder epidemic prevention and control, spread rumors or cause other serious consequences, the school and the higher authorities will investigate the corresponding legal responsibilities according to laws and regulations.

3、 Personal protection
Wash your hands frequently, ventilate frequently, maintain personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, try to avoid crowded places and confined spaces, and minimize unnecessary social activities. If you need to go out, please strictly follow the "one meter line". Implement daily nailing health clocking and daily health monitoring. In case of fever, cough, diarrhea and fatigue, teachers, students and parents (including common residents) should promptly go to the nearest fever clinic for troubleshooting and treatment, and report to the school. When seeking medical treatment, disposable medical masks and masks above shall be worn throughout the whole process to avoid taking public transport. Be cautious about online shopping. Many positive cases of nucleic acid testing of online shopping products have been reported in many places in China, indicating that there is a risk of "material to human" infection. In this regard, teachers, students and parents are encouraged to be cautious about online shopping and not to purchase goods online from high-risk areas. Disinfection of outer package and civil air defense protection shall be done well when picking up and disassembling express packages. Reasonably arrange work and rest and adjust mentality. During home study, parents should guide children to work and rest reasonably and on time, ensure adequate sleep, and insist on necessary physical exercise every day to strengthen their physique.

4、 Pay attention to psychology and strictly prevent "epidemic syndrome"
Teachers and parents should pay close attention to childrens psychological conditions. The school opens mental health consulting services for students, strictly prevents "epidemic syndrome", and prevents and reduces the occurrence of extreme behaviors. Teachers should strengthen the ideological guidance, academic guidance, psychological counseling and humanistic care for students. Parents should take the time to pay attention to the latest epidemic situation and basic epidemic prevention knowledge with their children, help them establish the prevention and control concept of "everyone participates and sticks to it for a long time", do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not spread rumors, actively spread positive energy, and guide children to establish correct values.
Daily life is temporarily interrupted, but the bright future will not be disturbed. We sincerely hope and sincerely invite all teachers, students and parents to continue to comply with the prevention and control requirements, consciously manage their health at home, and actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing. Lets overcome the difficulties together, join hands and work together, so as to gather a strong anti epidemic force to fight off the epidemic and return to a colorful and colorful life!

Quanzhou Haisi business vocational and technical school
March 18, 2022
