

Never Forget the Original Intention of Education and Courageously Undertake the Mission of Educating People -- Quanzhou Haisi Business School organized and carried out professional skills training activities for teachers and workers

In order to further improve teachers political literacy, professional ethics and professional ability, update the education and teaching philosophy, constantly promote teachers professional growth, and better adapt to the needs of the "student-centered" theory. From January 18 to 19, Quanzhou Haisi Business School carried out a two-day professional skills training for teachers and staff in the academic lecture hall on the fifth floor of the comprehensive building, and invited some teachers of Quanzhou Maritime School to participate in learning and exchange.

Secretary Xie Jincai and the principal made a mobilization speech at the opening ceremony. Secretary Xie put forward four requirements for this teacher training: first, correct attitude and fully understand the importance of learning and training; Second, we should have a sense of crisis and strive to improve the ability of teaching and educating people; Third, strengthen responsibility and comprehensively improve the quality of talent training; Fourth, study hard to ensure the effectiveness of this training. All teachers are required to be strict with themselves, be in place on time, study hard, record every report, participate in every activity, constantly summarize and reflect, strive to learn something and use it, and save energy for better education and teaching in the future.

This training is rich in content, focusing on three major themes: "teachers learning and doing and construction of teachers ethics and style", "application of positive psychology", and "how to master fragment teaching and teaching skills". Senior teacher Lv Ziwei introduced from the perspective of "Why do we want to learn? Can we learn?" and shared with everyone from the perspective of "Do teachers want to do?". He believes that the "secondary vocational classroom" is to have vivid teaching and enough knowledge reserves to maintain. Kang Jiangmei, a senior teacher, pointed out in his talk on the theme of "active education and being a happy teacher" that active education is a kind of psychology that is committed to cultivating peoples excellent qualities and good minds, promoting the positive and harmonious development of psychology and the full development of psychological potential. It can guide teachers to explore their own potential and strength, and treat students potential, motivation, value and ability with a more open and appreciative view, so that students can be encouraged and educated, and have fun. Huang Xiaoling, a senior lecturer, showed the teachers the key and difficult points of the teaching competition in the light of "fragment teaching and lecture presentation", and explained the techniques and preparations of fragment teaching to the teachers present in detail, so that the teachers can have a clear understanding, understand that learning is teaching and teaching is good.

At the same time, in order to make the paramilitary management of the school more refined and standardized, the Student Affairs Office carried out training for instructors and production management. On the one hand, Chen Kaijing, the Chief Instructor, provided relevant training for instructors and production managers; On the other hand, we should deploy and detail the requirements of militarization, that is, implement the five "unifications", that is, uniform dress code, uniform discipline requirements, uniform behavior standards, uniform internal affairs format, and uniform assessment; It is required to realize the "four modernizations", that is, uniform dress, formatting of internal affairs, militarization of action and professionalism of mind. The students internalized the concept of "learning the military style and improving their self-image" into a conscious behavior. The students military temperament became more prominent and their self-management level was further improved. Finally, Wang Zhijie, Vice President in charge of student affairs, and the Chairman of the Trade Union emphasized that the paramilitary management of students should focus on people-oriented, moral education first, quality first, and all-round development, attach importance to emotional experience and behavior habit cultivation education, and guide students to form the fine quality of unity of knowledge and practice, which is internalized in the mind and externalized in the practice.

The winter vacation is coming, which still cannot stop the teaching staff from learning. Learn in training and think in learning. Only by constantly thinking, summarizing and improving, can we continue to develop. Through this training, the teachers are full of vitality and energy. I believe that in the next education and teaching work, the teachers will ride the wind and waves and achieve good results!
